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Topic: Sottosterzo, sovrasterzo, potenza e coppia ;) (Letto 4377 volte) Topic precedente - Topic seguente
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Sottosterzo, sovrasterzo, potenza e coppia ;)

"Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of your car; oversteer is when you hit with the rear. Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall, and torque is how far you take the wall with you."
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Re: Sottosterzo, sovrasterzo, potenza e coppia ;)

Risposta n. 1
Aggiungo altra perla pronunciata da un certo Walter Röhrl (per cortesia niente eresie tipo "ma chi è questo??"...)
"Understeer is when you see the tree you are hitting, if you only hear the tree then it was oversteer." - Walter Röhrl